I fell in Love
It’s cultured, yet modern; it’s fashionable, it’s vibrant and youthful, yet ancient and rich. It’s not dirty, yet it’s not too clean...
It’s cultured, yet modern; it’s fashionable, it’s vibrant and youthful, yet ancient and rich. It’s not dirty, yet it’s not too clean...
finally the sermon note made sense, especially this line “Do you feel like you’re failing and can’t even see how much fruit you’re bearing?
The only reason I didn’t move back to Abuja was because I’d fallen for the loml. Which if you know the story is very hilarious.
I honestly just want some peace. Peace, comfort, love, gosh I need love. I need to feel appreciated and know that I’m on the right track...
Ah today I knew the meaning of suffering. I broke down in tears in front of a stranger even.
I spent the whole day healing and learning all the ways I need to love myself.
I love to have sauce dripping down my hands. I love to try out new foods and just enjoy the taste of somewhere new through food.
Not people, not my achievements, not my behavior, because all of these can be taken away with one ‘bad’ decision or can change their minds.
In the same vein, sometimes God puts people in our lives to demonstrate that same love to us in physical form.
I also think that people become resentful when they hold on to things and people that poison them. When you hold on too long to something...
I‘ve had a different kind of struggle this 26th year of my life, and even though I’m only 3.5 months into it, I know that it’ll be the best
What happens when I marry a man whose model was a disciplinarian mum, and a cool/calm dad?
Because I have, and it doesn’t feel very nice. I spent today in the pits emotionally.
Long story short, God answered a prayer I had been praying, confirming a step He wanted me to take in faith, a step which in turn tells me..
Sometimes when people do this, they may not know what they’re doing, but sometimes they do. Sometimes people are manipulative,...
First of all I’d like to admit that my title is from a sermon from Pastor Steven Furtick. Secondly I’ll like to admit that I’m not...
Especially because just when you’re about to get well, someone else brings it up, or something else like a saved Snapchat text from a year a
Like I told my friend, I think that it’s important to choose your own peace of mind by refusing to be offended by little things, and even bi
Honestly it’s actually celebrated and pretty normal to live life like that in this social media day and age. People tell you constantly how
It’s 2:55pm in Istanbul and I’m currently in the process of making a pot of Nigerian Jollof Rice. I‘ve just gotten off the phone with my...