Living a little: My 30th birthday edition + The Smith’s, Lagos Review
Let's start with the Ostrich. Honestly I've never had ostrich before, but I was so intrigued by it on the menu that I decided I had to try..
Let's start with the Ostrich. Honestly I've never had ostrich before, but I was so intrigued by it on the menu that I decided I had to try..
I’ll always be grateful to God for bringing me to live in such a wonderful, beautiful place...
As we all sat there on the floor/couch making pegs, and packing them for sale, I realized that I was truly full of joy and content...
There’s probably another lockdown scheduled for this week. I wouldn’t know, because I generally avoid the news and hysteria...
I then found out that if I flush from the main WC, I have to come back and flush the Muslim bathroom as well...
The thing about it is that it's a wonderful opportunity, especially for my blog, and my Youtube vlogs...
It’s cultured, yet modern; it’s fashionable, it’s vibrant and youthful, yet ancient and rich. It’s not dirty, yet it’s not too clean...
Long story short, God answered a prayer I had been praying, confirming a step He wanted me to take in faith, a step which in turn tells me..
Honestly it’s actually celebrated and pretty normal to live life like that in this social media day and age. People tell you constantly how
I think that if you do decide to be in a relationship with someone, you should give that relationship your all.
Hi guys! So a lot has happened in the time that I haven’t written. I’ve undergone some major changes. I even moved houses, and that’s a...
I wasn’t really going to write, I mean I thought about it, but I didn’t really know what to write about. I wanted to write about my day,...
First things first. I’m exhausted as shit. Why am I exhausted? I’ve been working all day. I got out of bed at maybe 1pm, and I had a long...