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Come with me - A trip to Aksaray

I’ll always be grateful to God for bringing me to live in such a wonderful, beautiful place...

Arnavutköy in the time of Covid-19

There’s probably another lockdown scheduled for this week. I wouldn’t know, because I generally avoid the news and hysteria...

Trapped in Transition

I then found out that if I flush from the main WC, I have to come back and flush the Muslim bathroom as well...

Clout or Character?

The thing about it is that it's a wonderful opportunity, especially for my blog, and my Youtube vlogs...

I fell in Love

It’s cultured, yet modern; it’s fashionable, it’s vibrant and youthful, yet ancient and rich. It’s not dirty, yet it’s not too clean...

The Importance of Obedience

Long story short, God answered a prayer I had been praying, confirming a step He wanted me to take in faith, a step which in turn tells me..

Internet VS Reality

Honestly it’s actually celebrated and pretty normal to live life like that in this social media day and age. People tell you constantly how

My First Tattoo

Hi guys! So a lot has happened in the time that I haven’t written. I’ve undergone some major changes. I even moved houses, and that’s a...


I wasn’t really going to write, I mean I thought about it, but I didn’t really know what to write about. I wanted to write about my day,...

22:32 in Mehterçeşme

First things first. I’m exhausted as shit. Why am I exhausted? I’ve been working all day. I got out of bed at maybe 1pm, and I had a long...

Blog: Blog2
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