Do you know how much you're loved? Do you know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally? No matter what you do or don’t do, someone loves you? I do.
I do because I’ve found that that’s how God loves me. His love is overwhelming, never-ending and reckless (word to Cory Asbury). It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do, God still loves me.
Living from this realization is a wonderful thing. It’s freeing. It sets me free from performance mode, which in turn sets me free from burn out, and yet somehow gives me the burning and overwhelming desire to please and worship Him.
I am always seeking to please God and serve Him, and obey Him and yet it doesn’t come from a place of fear, or even from a place of need, it comes from a place of love. From a place of deep adoration and worship. I’ve found that when I love, I seek to please. I seek to make happy, and the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in is my one with God. Even when God is chastising me, I’ve found that it’s for my own good. When He does something I don’t like, it’s still because He loves me.
We love Him, because He first loved us - 1 John 4:19
In the same vein, sometimes God puts people in our lives to demonstrate that same love to us in physical form. He gives us people that love us regardless of what we do, say, etc. These people love us even when we’re misbehaving, even when we mess up in the worst ways.
Sometimes He calls us to be this person to people. To demonstrate how He loves us to them. Sometimes we think it’s a burden how we love people, we wonder why we are to ‘suffer’ in the name of love, but it really isn’t suffering. In fact we ought to celebrate the privilege of being called to something as high as true, genuine and godly love.
So if today you’re in love with someone, and you know it’s real, be grateful for the opportunity to be able to love in your lifetime. Some people never get the privilege, and when it’s rough, hold on and ride it out.
Always let them know you love them no matter what they do or don’t do, never be petty, and trust the model more than you do the mess.
Love, Yoma