So I learned something valuable today, and I want to share.
Sometimes you have a scarcity mentality and you don’t even know it. No matter how much you have, if you have a scarcity mentality it’ll never be enough.
It’s not always your fault if you have a scarcity mentality. Sometimes logically you really don’t have enough, or you’ve experienced lack for such a long time, that it’s your natural inclination to hold on to what you do have for fear that you may not get it again or back.
The problem is no matter how much you hold on to, or ‘mise’ something that can finish, it’ll still finish, and if your hands are closed, you cannot receive.
I learned today that sometimes holding on to something is a thing of fear. Fear of not having enough, and instead of giving into fear, and letting it grow into distrusting God, I can let the thing go, and flip the fear I feel into faith that God will bring something new, fresh and even better into my life. It’s also an avenue to trust in many of God’s promises to take care of me.
I don’t remember a time He has ever failed, and I sure know He’s not about to start with me.
I hope you open your hands today, and give to someone around you. They don’t have to be in need, just sharing is an opportunity to worship God and thank Him for giving you what you do have.
Love, Yoma.