Hi guys!
So it's a new year, and for me the year is off to a roaring start. Where do I start from?
First things first I'm in a relatively new city. I've literally only just settled into my own home here. Settled in is a very interesting term to use, because well... this is what my room currently looks like.
So I guess settled in is loosely used here. I have grand plans for this room though. Lol!
Having said that, I'll talk about my day, and how I got here then segue into gist about the new year.
So about my day; I live in a 2 bedroom apartment in mehtercesme, a neighborhood in Esenyurt, Istanbul. I share this apartment with two women. One of them Tiwa owns the apartment, and it's rented out in her name. Tiwa is an older lady with 3 kids. I do not know how much older, but I know she's older. Tiwa has the living room to herself. Joy is my other housemate and she occupies the other room while I occupy this one. Tiwa, Joy and I spent the day window shopping for clothes for them, then grocery shopping, then we stopped at a diner called 'Baba Doner' to buy sandwiches for breakfast, before heading off to Tiwa's boyfriend's apartment to pick up pots and other kitchen equipment to use in our own apartment. Then we came home, and Tiwa and Joy both got ready to go to their respective New Year engagements, while I cooked Stew, and Jollof Rice for us all.
Before I set out, I read one of my sermon notes for the day, (I read at least one a day) and the one I read was Dig Your Own Ditches - Bishop TD Jakes, so when I was frustrated and close to tears and just weak and weary, I was adequately prepared. I was thinking about all the things I need, and just how empty my account currently is, I mean I don't even have my own bed. I'm currently sharing Joy's one. My rent for January I only paid half. Although I'm not sure now if that's what I was worrying about. Either way I knew God was telling me to dig ditches in my valley, so I was really just like 'though He slay me, yet will I praise'.
When I was asked to cook, believe me when I say my first inclination was not to say yes, but I remembered from my notes 'if you want your marriage to work, you have to be vulnerable and do things when you don't want to', so I said yes. That yes gave me a revelation that basically led to me editing this blog, made me remember a dream I had, more than one actually, and helped me understand the direction God wanted me to go in.
My mother now called me to tell me that my sister is coming to visit, (it's really just to stamp her passport so the visa does not waste) and I tried to use that opportunity to hustle money for a bed. That conversation greatly aggravated my spirit. I was already happy, because I was getting revelation from God on what He has planned for my 2020, only for her to come with her wahala. Anyway thanks to God's direction I knew to play worship music to change the spiritual atmosphere around me, so I could hear God more clearly. I'm still playing Elevation Worship's At Midnight Album as I write.
In better news, my friend Alex promised to send me hair products from the US, and I am extremely grateful for that right now, as it is one worry off my back.
Speaking of my hair, it needs attention right now, and I intend to film a two/three strand twist protective style sometime this week. As soon as the gas is connected to the heater and I can use the shower instead of a bucket and bowl.
So, 2020 a new decade began like this for me. God my constant still voice silencing all my fears, soothing me with His sweet promises, leading me and guiding me in the storm. Showing me His purpose for my life and giving me hope. Me obeying God, listening to and for His voice, enjoying His presence, walking in His purpose, dodging the attacks of the enemy, and trusting God. It also started with me trying to figure out how to deal and live with people, which is something I feel like I'm going to spend this year learning. It also started with me doing all that I can to let my past go which is something that I hope I will completely do before the week is over, especially because as I was writing this I saw how God uses everything really, and this led me to an intense cry session, but it wasn't sad tears. It was the type of tears you cry when you are happy, because you can see how it all worked out for your good, but you are also carrying the weight of pain, if that makes sense.
Anyway, it's 1am, and I am going to end this post here, and continue editing this brand new website, or maybe I'll go to bed, and scour social media for a bit.
Love, Yoma.